FeliciaSmFaceFour-year-old Felicia recently joined her foster-to-adopt family in Florida. She’s settling in nicely and loves taking walks with her fostFosterToAdoptProgramIconer mom. She enjoys meeting other dogs in the neighborhood.  





Felicia in FLThis darling grey-and-white Havanese was treated for a dermoid in one eye. She is doing quite well now and shouldn’t have any other problems.

Congratulations to Felicia and her foster-to-adopt family. We’re so glad they’ve found each other!

Felicia is being fostered in FL.

This dog is in our "Foster To Adopt" program, which means he's being fostered by his eventual adopters. Information on the program may be found by clicking the "Foster To Adopt Icon" above. Participation in this program may increase your chances of adopting a Havanese.

A fee will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended fee amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any. A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!






Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.