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Volunteer Name
Date Completed
Email Address
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Accounting, Bookkeeping, Financial Records
Familiar with accounting, bookkeeping and/or financial record keeping.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Airline Discounts, Connections or Frequent Flyer Miles
Are you a prior airline employee, have airline connections or have frequent flyer miles you're willing to donate to provide transportation to a Havanese?
Current Airline Employee
Retired Airline Employee
Have airline contacts/connections
Frequent flyer
No airline connections
Commercial Printing, posters, signs, etc.
Experience with or access to commercial printing services.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Own/family owns printing facility''Experienced
Educational Event - Rescue Booth Assistance
Willing to arrange and/or assist with educational events such as a booth at a rescue fair or pet expo.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Fund Raising, Contacting Potential Funding Sources
Willing to contact individuals and/or organizations that may donate funds to HRI.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Fund Raising, General
Experience and/or interest in fund raising.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Fund Raising, Grant Writing
Grant writing experience.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Fund Raising, Solicit Auction Donation Items
Willing to contact potential donors for items to be auctioned at variou fund raising events.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Dog Behavior Evaluations
Meet and assess the behavior of a Havanese using a form detailing a set of criteria.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Experienced Dog Owner
Experienced Handler
Professional Trainer
Animal Behaviorist
Havanese Identification
Familiar with, and willing to visit a home or shelter to determine if a dog is actually a Havanese or Havanese mix.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Other Breeds Familiar With
Please indicate any other breeds you are familiar with.
Home Visits, Foster Homes and Pre-Adoption
Willing to visit and assess potential foster and/or adoptive homes and report findings.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Inventory and-or Recordkeeping
Knowledge of inventory practices and record keeping skills. May include data entry.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Legal Expertise
Lawyer, paralegal or have access to legal contacts.
No Experience
Have legal contacts (friend, family)
Contacting Media (TV/Radio/Newspapers)
Willing to contact media outlets (TV/Radio/Newspapers). May involve lost dogs, so may be time sensitive.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Mentoring and Support, Foster and/or Adoptive Homes
Providing support and guidance to new foster homes and/or new adoptive homes via phone or email.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Online Business, Shipping, Packaging
Familiar with packaging and shipping goods and supplies, and/or running an online business.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Application Processing (Volunteer and/or Adoption)
Processing volunteer and/or adoption applications. Doing reference checks and collecting necessary documents.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Sewing, Quilting
Sewing experience, interest in working on the HRI Quilt Project.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Special Computer Skills
Are you a techie or geekie type?
CMS (Content Management System) Experience
Database Experience
Desktop Publishing
Digital Photo Editing
Electronic Mailing Knowledge
Graphic Design
Helpdesk, Computer Support
Web Design
Word Processing
Presentations (PowerPoint, Google Drive, etc.)
Transport Coordination
Knowledge of how to arrange and/or coordinate the transport of a dog.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Writing Press Releases/Articles/Newsletters/Flyers
Writing, Editing, Proofreading. May include flyers, newsletters, articles, press releases, etc.
Not interested
No experience but willing to help
Why are you volunteering?
Why are you volunteering for HRI? Please be as specific as possible.
Contribution: What do you want to do as a volunteer? What do you hope to contribute?
What do you want to do as a volunteer? What do you hope to contribute?
Goals: What do you hope to gain, or how do you hope to benefit from becomming a volunteer?
What do you hope to gain, or how do you hope to benefit from becoming a volunteer?
Leadership Interest (Serving on Board, Team Leader, Committee Leader)
Are you interested in a leadership position (e.g. serving on the board of directors or running a committee)?
Committment: Approximate number of hours per week or month you are available.
Please indicate the approximate number of hours, per week or month, that you can comfortably devote to rescue work.
Please list any other skills or abilities that you feel may support the mission of HRI.
Please list any other skills or abilities, not mentioned above, that you feel may support the mission of HRI.
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