Welcome Claire, an 18 month old, spayed female that had been tied out in a backyard for about two months before coming to HRI. Her wonderful foster parents graciously gave up a Sunday to go scoop Clair up from another rescue group that had "pulled" her for HRI to foster.
Claire will be drop dead gorgeous when her hair grows out! She has such a pretty face. This picture was taken by her new vet and when they can, her fosters will post some more photos.
Claire will be drop dead gorgeous when her hair grows out! She has such a pretty face. This picture was taken by her new vet and when they can, her fosters will post some more photos.
Claire is becoming more social by the minute and starting to enjoy being around people and other dogs. It took three days for her tail to wag. She's found her legs in a fenced yard where she can do the typical Havanese runlikehell maneuvers.
Now that Claire has had her teeth cleaned & has been spayed (& has met Casper the friendly foster) she is beginning to show her true Havanese self! Casper has helped her to relax & be more animated. Claire will need a loving home possibly with another "fur" sister or brother to help her become the Hav she was meant to be!
Claire is currently being fostered in Texas.