Ragz head shotRagz was found wandering the streets but was obviously a loved pet at one time. He appears to be about 4-5yrs old and has turned into quite the couch potato in his foster home. His favorite place is wherever you are and tries his best to get as close as possible, trying to prove just how Velcro he really is.





Ragz curls up next to you whether you're on the couch or in bed. He follows so close behind you that you can'tRagz2see him at times, pretty much the virtual shadow.

Ragz has the sweetest disposition and he loves everyone. He gets along with other dogs, cats, strangers and children. When he sees another dog all he wants to do is to go over and play.

Ragz doesn't play with toys much yet, but does like to run and do the Run-Like-Heck in the backyard with the other Havs. He loves to go for walks but you have to watch that he doesn't head to the street. He also loves to go for car rides. Ragz is one happy boy!!!!

Ragz3Ragz is being fostered in FL.

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.