baxter chairHello, my name is Baxter, and I'm as cute as cute can be.
I'm a 17-pound ball of white fluff with tons of energy.
I'm 15 months of sweetness just looking for a home,
That's why I'll do my very best to write you this poem.

I love to chew on my toys and chase the tennis ball,baxter toy
But looking out the window is what I love most of all.

I'm very possessive of my toys, don't want them taken away.
Can you work with me? I want to be good and I'll try to obey.
I like playing with other dogs and going for long walks.
I don't mind going to the vet and being prodded by the docs.

FosterMom took me to see a cat and I didn't really like it.
I started to bark and that darn thing just wanted to spit!
I haven't had much experience with young children so far,
But I can tell you that I don't mind riding in the car.
I'll give you many kisses and wag my tail for you,
Oh yeah, did I mention that I really love to chew?
Did I tell you that I am smart and ring a bell to go out?
A doggy door I learned to use in just one day ... no doubt.
Every day I just get better. I want so much to please.
I'm not pulling so much on my walks or stopping at the trees.

baxter on_bed

 I came from a home where I was loved as much as could be,
But busy lives of work, school and sports left little time for me.
A fenced backyard would be my dream so I could run and play.
I need a home where folks are home so we can spend the day.
I want a home where I'll be free, don't want to be penned,
So please consider me for your dog, I'll be your best friend.

baxter standing

Baxter is being fostered in Maine.

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.