Diesel in PA - CopyDiesel is a nine-month old, ten pound fluffy snowball of love and everything puppy. This well-tended affectionate fellow quickly snuggled his way into his foster family's hearts. While the resident Havanese are generally slow to warm to fosters, within a day there was much pre-holiday running like heck occurring in the package-filled living room. He is a typical Havanese and has partaken in the joys of tissue and wrapping paper shredding.


Diesel has never met a plush toy he didn't love and has discovered antlers. Diesel in PAHe enjoys a good game of fetch and you will tire before he does! He is a perfect pup and is working hard on house-training. On the transport ride home he rode in his crate and didn't make a sound. During his vet visit he was initially frightened but warmed quickly to the staff and the doctor. He is one of those dogs who loves everyone and the feelings are reciprocated. He is a love and would enjoy a home with another dog to play with and to keep him company.

Diesel stands to be brushed and in many respects seems more mature than you would expect a young pup to be. He is great on a lead and loves to go out. Rainy days are not an issue for this guy. Breakfast and dinner are high points in Diesel's day and is a great eater. Treats, including carrots, are never refused. Diesel came from a home with a young child and he would love to be in a family with respectful kids. He was used to being picked up and carried by children and is unflappable and easy-going.

Diesel has been sleeping in a crate since he is still working on his housetraining. He has done quite well and sleeps without complaint for seven hours. To say this guy is flexible is an understatement. He is the complete package and will truly be a gift to the family fortunate enough to be chosen for him.

Diesel is being fostered in PA.

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.