Hudson is a calm, sweet 10-year-old dog with a fluffy white coat. He weighs 16 pounds. Hudson is a snuggly dog who loves to snuggle with his human.
Hudson’s front legs are bowed, but this is not a problem for him. He is crate trained and is working hard on house training. Hudson is good with other dogs, but has no experience with cats.
Hudson would love a family of his very own. He’s an easy going dog who loves human attention. He would be fine as an only dog or would enjoy a well-socialized dog for company. Hudson needs an adult family because he isn’t comfortable with children. He will make a loving companion for the family fortunate enough to adopt him.
Hudson is being fostered in Northern California.
The recommended fee amount for this dog is reduced because the dog is a senior and is eligible for our Senior Advantage Program. A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!