Jasmine faceJasmine is a very sweet black-and-white, 12-pound, 4-year-old purebred Havanese who is looking for a loving home with caring hands that are interested in giving belly rubs and affectionate petting. She has never met a person or food that she does not like!

Jasmine is good with children and is willing to ignore the occasional cat. She is fine with most dogs as long as they stay awayJasmine front from her food. A very fit dog, she could enter the Olympic High Jump Event. She loves walking and sniffing in the backyard. She is always happy to greet you, is able to calm down, and is very content to lie around the house and be a companion dog.
Jasmine’s preference would be with a stay-at-home person who will spend time with her, whether going for walks, napping, riding in the car, or just watching TV next to her person on the couch. She Jasmine profilesleeps through the night and likes to nap during the day, but does not like to be left home alone.
Jasmine needs to be taught a few manners, as not everyone wants all the kisses she wants to bestow on them. And she needs to learn not to jump on people. A real sweetheart, Jasmine will make some lucky person a wonderful companion.

Jasmine is being fostered in ME.

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!Jasmine side

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.