HenrieSmFaceMeet Henrie! He is about 18 months old, and is a 16 pound bundle of pure love. Henrie loves to run and play, but also enjoys long lap naps and belly rubs. He is mostly house trained and well behaved. If you are looking for a best buddy, Henrie is up to the task!

Henrie2Henrie is very affectionate and will follow you everywhere you go. He is also extremely social and enjoys the company of children and other dogs. His wish list includes a forever home with older children, other playful pets, and a mom or dad who can stay home with him most of the time.

Henrie is very smart and has been known to climb over a baby gate or two, which has earned him the nickname "sneaky little dude." It is therefore important that his new home come complete with a secure fence to help keep this little toddler safe and secure.






Here's Henrie's WISH LIST:

  • A high fenced yard
  • A mom or dad home most of the time
  •  A mom or dad with doggie experience
  •  Other dogs or children to play with every day
  •  Lots of car rides

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Henrie is being fostered in GA.

henri 1

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.