Laia in TX - CopyLaia is 3 years old, weighs about 12 pounds, and has a soft white and apricot coat. Havanese are typically known for their sweet, affectionate disposition and loving nature, but once in a while we have some that are way at the top and this certainly fits Laia. Nothing pleases her more than to have a nice lap to sit on and have her soft wavy coat stroked. Laia would be happy to lie on her foster mom's lap all day if she would be still.

Laia is housetrained and loves the doggy door. She is a little unsure of strangers but warms up quickly after meeting them. She gets along well with other dogs, but we're not sure of cats. Her history says she Laia in TXgets along well with respectful children, but her foster mom doesn't have any children so we aren't sure of that either.

Laia loves to be held, rubbed, or anything else that involves touching. She is the ideal lap dog. Laia gives very good kisses and follows her person around the house and wants to be "with". She loves to play. Laia is very excited when her foster mom comes back from shopping or anything away from the home. She loves to sit on the back of the sofa and is the first on the bed at night when her foster mom says "go to bed".

Laia is ready for her forever home and has her wish list ready:

  • A sturdy fenced back yard (Laia is known to scale a fence)
  • A family home most of the day to give her the time and attention she so craves
  • At least one other dog to keep her company
  • A family willing to allow her to sleep in bed with them

Laia-full front in yardLaia will make a remarkable, loving family member for some lucky family.

Laia is being fostered in Texas.

A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation Laia in yard-sideamount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any.  A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.