Words From The President
Welcome to another edition of our online
newsletter. Though we're only a couple
months into the year, HRI has been busy.
We've happily seen a number of our dogs
in foster care go home to their adoptive
families. In addition, we've received
support and offers of help from several
local Havanese clubs and individuals. This
is very much appreciated and will help the
Havanese that have continued to need
HRI's support in foster care.
Please know that in addition to this
newsletter, you can read about what is
happening in HRI in all three print
publications about Havanese - the
Havanese Hotline, Havanese Lifeline and
Our Havanese.
...Lu Wyland
Letters Home: Otie's Story |
My new family had been looking at
websites and rescue organizations
for a couple weeks. A friend invited them
to a Havanese Funday. Just for
fun they went and had no idea I would be
My name was Avy at the time and I was
featured in
the adoption corner of the HRI newsletter in
I was being fostered in Ohio and my foster
brought me to the Funday to play with
some other
dogs. I was just about a year old and I
heard my
foster mom tell some of the people that I
had been
put up for adoption because my owners
were long
distance truck drivers and I was
misbehaving in the
I had never played with so many
other dogs.
Boy, that was fun! I sure loved running and
in the grass and playing with the other
dogs. There
were even a couple kids that liked playing
chase with
me. I didn't have much hair compared to
the other
dogs there. My coat had always been
clipped close.
At the end of the day, the family that hadn't
a dog to play spent some extra time with
me and
were asking my foster Mom a lot of
questions about
A few days later I went to a park with my
foster Mom. I saw that family again only
this time they brought
dog with them. Oreo was a big black and
white dog that was lots of fun to play with.
About a week later, my foster Mom took
me to a
house where I had never been before.
Guess who
was there-that family and Oreo! Boy,
was I glad to
see her! We zoomed all over the house
playing chase and she even shared some
of her toys
with me.
After awhile, my foster Mom left me there
with the
family, and they started to call me Otie! I
liked that
new name because they played with me,
gave me
treats, and lots and lots of love!
I haven't had any "accidents" in the house
and I'm
not afraid of too many things anymore. I
had to learn to walk on a leash. It was
tough at first, but now I
think it's a lot of fun. I go on many walks
with Oreo and my family.
There are many things to sniff and see.
Now it's 2007. I never knew I was missing
a best
friend, and
neither did Oreo, but we found each other.
We sure do love hanging
together and sometimes being ornery as
well. I guess
I'm that perfect dog! Oh yeah, my coat has
quite a bit since August. My new mom
I'm going
somewhere called a "groomer" tomorrow.
that'll be fun. She hasn't steered me wrong
Love, Otie
LSHC share holiday cheer with HRI |
When planning the Holiday party, we knew
that we wanted to not only have a great
together with
our friends and Havanese but that we also
wanted to
share some Holiday joy with others. The
LSHC board
of directors discussed many philanthropic
options and
came up with several ideas. One of the
was to bring presents to donate to the
coming into rescue with HRI. We hoped to
make their
transition into rescue and eventually their
new homes a little bit smoother by
providing them some things they might
need. We set up an
online poll for
all LSHC members to vote on several
different options
and the HRI Gift Donation Project led the
voting by a
At that point, I contacted Lu to get her input
on the
idea and she was able to provide us with
suggestions of items that might be most
Rotating teeth combs, facial combs,
washable puppy
pads and belly bands were a few of the
Our party was held December 2nd at Chris
lovely lakeside home just north of Houston,
TX. As
guests entered the party, everyone
dropped their
presents into a donated dog bed and
started the
celebration with a smile on their faces and
in their
hearts. It was great fun to check the bed
as it filled with donated items for those
Havanese in
After the party, Chris packaged up the
donations for
us and mailed it all to HRI. While Holiday
parties are
always festive, I can't tell you how much the
HRI gift
project added to the true spirit of the
Holidays for
our group of Havanese lovers. We look
forward to this
becoming an annual tradition within the
LSHC and
think it is a wonderful way for local clubs to
rescue any time of the year. The members
were very happy to be able to share a little
joy with the Havs of HRI who deserve it!
Thanks for
allowing us to assist.
Cherie Belcher President - Lone Star
Havanese Club
Changing Lives: Marilyn Pozas |
The right foster home can make a world of
difference for a dog. It takes a special
heart to be able to live with and love a
Havanese while knowing that you're
preparing that dog to take a step into the
world without you. HRI has some wonderful
foster homes.
Having previous experience in Golden
Retriever rescue, HRI was happy to
welcome Marilyn Pozas (and her daughter
who helps with socialization) to HRI.
Marilyn is quick to say she and her
daughter will help when a Havanese needs
a foster home in California. When we've
had several come in at once and we're
trying to determine what to do, she has
said, "Send them both! It will be fine."
Marilyn throws her heart into her volunteer
work. She looks for resources in the
community and her circle of friends to learn
about issues important to a dog coming
into rescue. She's taken one of her own
animals to a new vet so she can learn
about their practice and can decide
whether or not they would be a vet to work
with a new Havanese in foster care.
Marilyn has even been known to travel
hours with one of her foster dogs to meet
the adoptive family so the dog didn't have
to adjust to another person on her journey
home. Thank you, Marilyn, for changing
lives with your work in HRI.
HRI Education: Milwaukee Pet Expo |
HRI Volunteers: Lu Wyland
with Nora (top) and Tony Van Slyke with
Leena (bottom). Photos by
Lynne Van Slyke.
The temperature was cold but anyone
stopping by the HRI booth on February 10
at the Milwaukee Pet Expo got a warm and
enthusiastic greeting. Five Havanese
worked the crowds that day, introducing
the public to our breed as our volunteers
reminded people about responsible pet
ownership and provided education on
puppy mills.
Our Havanese themselves often work as
volunteers at education booths such as
these. Nora, adopted this summer,
celebrated "Freedom Day," as it was her
one year anniversary of being removed
from a puppy mill in PA. She marched in
the pet parade and received a lot of ear
rubs and gentle pets from people stopping
by to learn more about Havanese, HRI and
puppy mills. She did a great job her first
day "on the job" for Havanese rescue.
HRI provided pamphlets, posters and a
puppy mill model for people interested in
learning more about puppy mills, pet
ownership, and choosing a responsible
breeder if someone is interested in
purchasing a dog instead of going through
a rescue. Two photo albums with pictures
of Havanese that have been adopted
through HRI were presented as well, and a
DVD featuring our dogs played on a laptop
computer. Donations were accepted,
information on adoption and volunteering
was provided and many children played a
Lollipop game to help support our rescue.
HRI also had some great magnets for cars
available and scarves that fit over dog
At the end of the day there were a lot of
doggie snores from the backseat after we
volunteers packed up our materials and
headed home.
- Lu Wyland
HRI's First Annual Appeal |
In 2005 a Development professional was
commissioned to make a report to the HRI
Board. We wanted our fledgling
Development efforts organized in a
thoughtful and professional way. We were
given guidelines for growth including
programs generally followed by non-profit
organizations as well as those specifically
tailored to HRI.
An Annual Appeal was a priority.
November/December was given as the
traditional time for these appeals (as you
know from your mailboxes!). Last
November, a
wonderful letter written by Lu Wyland was
sent to 750 volunteers,
breeders who participated by sending
them to their puppy owners, and to some
club secretaries who sent them to their
members and 'party' list.Our Online
Newsletter also announced the campaign
and printed the letter.
Six local clubs offered to match some of
the donations. They are: Greater New York
Havanese Club $1000,
Delaware Valley Havanese Club $1000,
Havanese Club of Southern California,
Capital Havanese Club $500,
Gateway Havanese Club $500,
North Star Havanese Club $200.
The total matched will be $4200.
Thank you; it makes all the difference. The
campaign results have been very exciting.
By the end of the year the donations
totaled $16,041.00. This includes $500 of
the matching grants. The local clubs have a
year to complete their pledges. The final
total will be over $20,000. It was the
optimistic goal for this first attempt. You will
never know how wonderful it was to have
so much support from nearly everyone.
Thanks to all of you.
Special thanks also to the very generous
contributions from members of the Board,
to the breeders who sent many letters out,
to Jane Hohne who thanked each and
every donor on behalf of HRI, to Michelle
Burke whose web-site was a polished
professional asset, and of course to Lu
who wrote the beautiful letter and cheered
on the effort.
We all know the need. We all know it is
growing every year, with every article about
Havanese, with every appearance on TV,
with every inclusion on a chic list. We all
know there are impulse buyers, people
who cannot cope with a dog, and others
who have life changes and must surrender
a beloved pet.We must be ready to help
It has been a privilege to organize our first
Annual Appeal. As with everything I have
ever done for HRI, it was a joy.
Joan Ambrose
Adoption Corner
Perry is approximately 3 years old,
housebroken and current on his
vaccinations. He was found by the side of
the road in Michigan and turned over to
Havanese Rescue. We're not sure if he is
a Havanese, though he seems to be a
hypo-allergenic dog since the foster family
isn't having any allergic
reactions to Perry.
Perry is about 25lbs, and has the sweetest
disposition. He is very much a lap dog and
he craves affection, both giving and
receiving. He seems to be a very quick
learner since he was housebroken within 4
days with no "accidents" since. His
obedience training is progressing nicely.
He stands quietly for baths and grooming
(truly amazing).
Perry gets along very well with other dogs
and strangers. He only barks when
someone is at the door and occasionally in
play with our dog. He is high energy and
loves to go on walks, or just be outside.
Because he is a high energy dog, he
shouldn't be adopted by a family with
children under 8 years old.
Perry is being fostered
in Michigan.
To Inquire about
Adoption News
We are thrilled to announce that the
Havanese featured for adoption in our last
Texie and Pebbles, had their Christmas
wish and found their forever home.
their hearts.
And the adorable Molly is also on her way
to finding her
forever home!
This & That
Upcoming HRI Events
Pet Wellness Expo
on Saturday, April 14, 2007
*Muskego Annual Pet Fair
S80W 18700 Apollo Drive,
on May 19, 2007
from 10:00 - 4:00
* Dog Fest in Madison, WI
June 10, 2007
If you have an upcoming HRI Event that you
want featured in the newsletter, please
send an email to
Newsletter Info
Lost Pet ?
Recently many of you saw the emails that a
Havanese escaped form his home. After
much help, he was found and happily is
home once more. There are
many steps you should take to make sure
are prepared if your dog does became
lost. Make
sure to visit the all the resources HRI has
compiled on its
website. and have your own
Havanese Handbook
out before an emergency should arise.
sure to have recent photos of your loved
one on hand just in case anything should
ever happen. HRI will add your
photo to the
Amos Alert page should
he ever become lost. Be
sure to visit the site periodically in case
a Havanese in your neighborhood needs
You can use your curiosity to help HRI.
How? Simply go to
Look at the second box on the page that
follows the words: "I'm supporting" and
type in Havanese Rescue- HRI. Then click
the button that
says "Verify."
That's it! Each search generates a penny
for HRI. If 100 people do two searches a
day, that's $2.00 a day for HRI or $60 a
month and it costs you nothing.
Curiosity really can pay off!
I'd rather be shopping!
Looking to get a head start on some
Spring Shopping?
HRI has many rescue gifts and goodies
that also help out incoming Havanese.
In the Arms of Rescue
Magnetic Bumper Stickers
Apparel for your and your best friend!
Featured This Issue