Coffee Break Time. *grin*
Welcome to the Havanese Rescue Inc. Newsletter.
The dog days of summer are here in more ways than one. Many of us are able to spend more time outdoors with our Havanese, enjoying the season and our time together. It's also a time that can be quite busy in rescue. HRI has brought into rescue 7 dogs since the first of the month. Three of the dogs were part of a seizure of dogs from an unlicensed kennel while the other four were surrendered by owners. All are adjusting to the changes in their lives and several are in the process of being adopted.
In addition to the dogs that come to us for foster care and help in finding forever homes, HRI also works with families to help them find ways to keep their dogs. Sometimes this means providing assistance on housetraining or behavioral issues. Other times we have helped a family locate resources in the community, be it dog training facilities, doggie day care or simply brainstorming with a family to help them find another way to address a challenge in their lives with their Havanese. These connections are important and make a huge difference in the lives of those involved, be they two or four legged. HRI is happy to find ways in which to support Havanese and their families. ...Lu Wyland
HCSC Funday & HRI Fundraiser |
On June 24 The Havanese Club of Southern California held a Fun Day and HRI Fundraiser in Long Beach. Decorations on the money tree and tables, as well as prizes, ribbons and favors were red, white and blue, signifying the theme, Independence Day for all Havanese.
Over 50 Havanese participated in races and games, along with owners, their relatives and friends. HCSC members brought two samples of home baked goods. One sample was for tasting and the other sample was entered in the bake-off/raffle, which ended in a three way tie.
Donations for HRI were made by hanging money and checks on a money tree, by participation in the raffle, a silent auction, and the sale of T-shirts and sweat shirts. We are happy to announce that HCSC contributed $500.00 in matching funds, creating a grand total of $2005.00 raised for HRI. ...Joyce Koller. Photos by Robin Mosher.
WOW!!! HRI would like to thank the Havanese Club of Southern California, as well as all participants and donors, for their overwhelming support and generosity.
Hewlett Packard to match employee donations to HRI |
Hewlett Packard now has matching funds for Havanese Rescue Inc. Employees may sign up for their charitable contributions and designate HRI. Anyone who works for HP can take advantage of this program. They match employee contributions dollar for dollar. It's a great way to maximize your contributions! ...Lee Podolan
Tropical Regional Specialty |
The Universal Havanese Rescue Quilt was displayed on July 1-2, in Orlando , Florida at the Tropical Havanese Club Regional Specialty to the great delight of all attending the show! Many folks entered the drawing in hopes of winning the quilt and many more committed to enter prior to the drawing in October.
Thank you to Connie Field, Pauline Crofton and Brenda Rondinone for assistance with setting up the quilt/rescue table and display.
In addition to donations for the quilt drawing, a beautiful t-shirt bearing the THC logo in Swarovski Crystals was donated by Connie Field and a lovely beach towel with an embroidered Havanese was donated by Tom and Kim Andresen of "Sew What". Both items were placed in a silent auction to benefit HRI. A special thanks to Connie and Sew What! We raised $105.00 on these two items alone.
Finally, the Tropical Havanese Club held it's own silent auction with many lovely items up for bidding. The club voted 1/3 of the auction profits to HRI! ...Michelle Burke
Pictured: Connie Field, Brenda Rondinone, and Michelle Burke
Photo by Pauline Crofton
HRI would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the THC for their generous and ongoing support.
The Universal Havanese Rescue Quilt News |
Final Stop for:
The 2006 Universal Havanese Rescue Quilt Project
July 30
AKC Museum of the Dog
St. Louis, Missouri
Sponsored by the Gateway Havanese Club
Adoption Corner
Parker loves to sit on the couch with you, sleep on the pillow next to you, and ride in the car. He loves to be with people if they are quiet. He is as cute as can be and in good general health. He has the most beautiful teeth I have seen on a dog his age. He loves to go for walks and gets very excited when he sees a leash or even hears the word "leash". :) He is starting to play with my 2 1/2 year old females. He is quite perky for a guy who is going to be 8 years old this week.
He has been wonderful therapy for my mom who had a stroke the day I got him. He loves to visit and readily recognizes them. He hangs out in the room we are in and my mom dotes on him and pets him. She said "I love you" to him the other day. One of her first phrases.
Parker was an Owner turn in. He had a rough time before coming into rescue. Originally the apple of his mom's eye, a marriage and a child left him the odd man out as it were. He needs a home where he can once again be the center of attention. A quiet home with no children would suit him best, or one where he could be put away when company was coming.
...Nancy Chretien
To Inquire about Parker...
Adoption NewsWe are very happy to announce that Magic and BoBo, two of our featured Havanese from last issue have been adopted and are now enjoying life in their Forever Homes.
BoBo and Sassy were split up, and both are doing quite well. Sassy is still available for adoption.
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