Baby Girl is a loving, affectionate 14-month-old Havie with lots of energy and love to share. She is particularly fond of belly rubs and very well behaved. She loves walks on the leash and is very curious..
Baby Girl is also very loyal to her human friends and always aims to please. She is an extremely healthy 17 lb. pup and enjoys baths and grooming. She understands simple commands like "sit, stay " and is definitely receptive to learning new commands.
She spends her nights in her crate were she is quite comfortable and is working on house-training and will continue to need work in this particular area. We are confident that with proper training she will do well.
Baby Girl is accustomed to being around families and their routines. She is very much a people person and loves to snuggle when she isn’t engaged in a game of fetch.
Baby Girl is currently being fostered on Long Island, NY.
A donation will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended donation amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any. A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption. Thank you for considering a rescue dog!