Welcome to the Havanese Rescue, Inc. Newsletter! Rescue has been particularly busy this January. Did you know that at the current time:
- In Florida we have two OTI dogs;
- In Arizona we have 3 OTI's; two adoptions are pending.
- In Vermont, Adventure, another purebred OTI has found her home!
- In Oregon, we have Shaggy, awaiting surgical evaluation.
- In New York, we have three OTI's with liver shunts; Jack, Jill & Swiffer. Ligations scheduled for late February.
- January saw adoptions for Ebbie and for Moe!
Our deepest appreciation to our volunteers who did an outstanding job of intake, fostering, screening and placing these dogs in their perfect forever homes, and to our donors who make it all possible.
Adventure's Perfect Placement! |
While you may read about our happy endings, seldom are people privy to the heart and soul that goes into each rescue. Adventure is a 1 year old purebred Havanese with a CD front. She was surrendered by her owner, simply because she didn't like her. When Adventure came into HRI, she brought us Robyn, an experience rescue volunteer who wanted to help her. Adventure's self confidence was gone, and she needed TLC. Robyn's entire family began spending hours working with her to help her to trust in herself again. Of course when the ideal home was found and screened, Robyn felt like a mom sending her child out into the world. Her updated status report follows:
SO I spoke with Faye this morning and apparently Miss Adventure entertained the entire family last night, is playing and having a blast! The transition went wonderful and they were surprised at the ease of it! Daughters, kids, teenagers you name it! It does my heart good to know HOW she came to me, and WHERE she is now. When she first came we couldn't try & pick her up since she would flip on her back scared. Now she seeks out being picked up & cuddled. Its so wonderful and I am filled with JOY! She is a sassy confident little girl and I am in awe of her. :) Still miss her though! lol - But this is what it is all about!!!!!!!!!!YEAH! Robyn
We're in awe of the entire Steward family for such a great success story!
Chronicles of Jack, Jill & Swiffer, Part 2 |
HRI now has three purebred Havanese dogs with liver shunts surrendered by their owners. All are under the care of Dr. Sharon Center of Cornel University. Jill, age 3 1/2 years is being maintained by diet. Her Protein C test scored at 69%. Normal dogs test 74% or above. She does have a cyst on her kidney and will be ultrasounded again in one month. She's doing well. Jack, age 6 months, continues on his Hills L/D diet, with Lactulose to assist in eliminating toxins. Jack's Protein C test scored 38%. indicating ligation surgery is needed. He's scheduled to undergo this surgery in late February. He is also gaining weight gradually, but exhibits the Polydipsia and Polyuria (excessive drinking and urination. Swiffer (pictured) celebrated his first birthday last month. He weighs 12 pounds. His Protein C and Ultrasound show him to be an excellent candidate for ligation surgery. He, too, is scheduled in late February. Dr. Center is currently on vacation in Thailand, so treatment is holding steady until her return. Anyone wishing to join in our study with a Havanese they suspect of having a liver shunt is asked to contact us. Watch for the continuation of the Chronicles of Jack, Jill & Swiffer next month, as we follow their ligation treatments.
Ebbie's Epic Adventure Home! |
Ebbie is an owner surrendered purebred Havanese who arrived in rescue with tremendous baggage. She had 21 rotten teeth and a horrendous mouth infection, resulting in a poor appetite and weight loss. She had a urinary infection, and a walnut sized benign mammary tumor. She was fostered by Stacy DeJoseph, who loving sheparded her through the multiple surgeries and recovery, and became more in awe of her spirit with each passing day. As Ebbie was 9 years old, and had gone through so much, Stacy searched for the ideal home best suited for Ebbie's needs. She was thrilled to have found just that, and their recent note to her follows:
Hi Stacy, Ebbie is fitting in beautifully and Dale said today that it seems like she's been here forever. Hard to believe she has just been here a couple of weeks. Ebbie is now "talking" to us, and her tail is mostly curled. She is lively as a little puppy. Hard to believe she is middle aged. She even lets the cat chase her tail. She begs as well as Twist does. She has us wrapped around her little paw. We love her so much! Ebbie has changed our lives for the better, just by being sweet Ebbie. She is very special and I can see why it was so important to you to find her the perfect home. I hope we can live up to being perfect for her because she is certainly perfect for us. You were so right about her wonderful personality and we see more of it every day as she adjusts to being in her new home. Thank you so much for bringing us together. You truly are saving the world one Havanese at a time. I gave Ebbie lots of hugs and kisses from you. She returns them. Ebbie gives kisses now. She is so much further along in getting accustomed to us than I thought she would be after such a short time. I know this is because of the love you gave her while she was with you. Again, we thank you for saving her and sending her to us. Lee
It's testimonials like these that are what rescue is all about, and make it all worthwhile.
Seacure® to the Rescue! |
Over the years, we've seen rescue dogs arrive with a variety of needs. Some arrive in good physical condition, while others are severely underweight. These present their own unique challenges in rebuilding their health, without overtaxing their system. Our sincere appreciation to Carolyn Angus who contacted Dee Eckert, of Proper Nutrition, Inc. They manufacture Seacure®, a dietary supplement made from hydolyzed whitefish, and Omega-3 fatty acids. The Seacure® formula was originally devised for use on undernourished children in third world countries, with tremendous success. The
Seacure® website has an article that appeared in The Whole Dog Journal, detailing the history and benefits of Seacure® . Dee has graciously agreed to provide Seacure®, at no cost, for any rescue dogs who arrive in a debilitated condition.
Thanks so much to Dee and to Seacure® for coming to our rescue!
Feb 12, 2006
The 4th Annual Pre-Westminster Social will be held on Sunday, February 12, 2006, 12 PM- 3PM at the Hotel Pennsylvania, across from the Madison Square Garden, Home to the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
The Delaware Valley Havanese Club is sponsoring the event, which hosts some 140 people, and 50 Havanese dogs, and promises to be another exceptional event! Visit the
Pre-Westminster Social website for the details and history.
This year, the 2006 Havanese Rescue "Doodad Quilt," embellished wall quilt will be on featured display there as well. Photos simply don't do it justice! Don't miss the opportunity!
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